Friday, August 25, 2017

August 18: Eisenach Continued Again

It was not allowed to take pictures of the inside of the castle during our tour, and no exception was made for Custis Journey. But I did get to see the room where the Wartburg's most famous guest stayed, in which he translated the entire New Testament.

I had not realized or understood how cherished Wartburg Castle is to the German people. This castle, completed in the 1100s, has received much loving care over the centuries and its interior has been beautified in artistic ways. This evening Dr Mohler spoke to us in the great hall of the castle. I do have pictures of this, and these will give you a taste of how beautiful the rest of the castle is too.


Luther to Erasmus in response to Erasmus lamenting the controversy and division caused by the Reformation Luther had triggered.

You do not seem to see that these tumults and divisions are marching through the world by the counsel and operation of God, and you are afraid lest the heavens should fall. But I, by the grace of God, see this clearly, because I see other greater troubles in time to come, by comparison with which these present seem no more than the whisper of a breeze or the murmur of a gentle stream.

-The Bondage of the Will

NEXT UP: Marburg

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