Friday, August 25, 2017

August 19: Marburg

Duke Philipp of Hesse (1504-1567) is the most important duke who ever ruled in Marburg because he introduced the Reformation into his territory.

When all the princes of Germany assembled together with the Emperor at the Diet of Worms in 1521 for what would become Luther's moment of truth, Philipp was only a teenager. However, Philipp was there, and he encouraged Martin Luther to stand firm. This next picture below was not in a museum, but just in the window of a drug store in Marburg.

Please leave a comment if you would like to better translate this German caption that went with the picture above. It tries to capture the words which a young Philipp of Hesse spoke to Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms as something like, "You are in the right, Doctor, God will help you!"

There is a lot of this in Marburg:

What I mean to say is there are lots of stairs in Marburg. Marburg is quite a vertical city, and all the stairways lead up to Philipp's  castle:

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