Friday, August 25, 2017

August 15: Wittenberg Continued

And here she stands, the queen of her castle.

This is the Luther home (above). Do you see how big it is? It wasn't built as a home. It was built as a monastery. But all the monks got saved, got married, and left; and Prince Frederick gave the monastery to the Luthers. The first floor is the refectory (meaning food, kitchen, dining). The second floor is lecture halls, where Luther taught his classes. The third floor is dormitories. 

Dad and me in front of the Town Church (where Luther preached regularly).

The moat that used to surround Wittenberg in front of the Castle Church (on which Luther posted the 95 Theses). 


This quote is not as vivid as some Luther quotes can be. But I have found this quote helpful, and I have found myself looking it up and then coming back to it again. It comes from one of Luther's most important tracts, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, which he wrote in 1520, in the crescendo whirlwind leading up to his stand at the Diet of Worms the following year. 

John Bugenhagen, who later moved to Wittenberg and became Luther's pastor(!) and was the actual pastor of the Town Church in Wittenberg, although he insisted on sharing his pulpit often with Professor Luther, first encountered Luther by reading this tract, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. Bugenhagen's reaction to reading it in 1520 was this: "The entire world is blind--this man alone sees the truth!"

Ok, without any more fanfare, here is the quote.

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