Friday, August 25, 2017

August 11: One-Day Ligonier Conference in Wittenberg Quote


This was recorded from Luther's Table talk. Luther was talking at dinner about how much meaning is packed into even "one little word" of Scripture.

“Though I am a great doctor, I haven’t yet progressed beyond the instruction of children in the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer. I still learn and pray these every day with my Hans and my little Lena. Who understands in all of its ramifications even the opening words, ‘Our Father who art in heaven’? For if I understood these words in faith—that the God who holds heaven and earth in his hand is my Father—I would conclude that therefore I am lord of heaven and earth, therefore Christ is my brother, therefore all things are mine, Gabriel is my servant, Raphael is my coachman, and all the other angels are ministering spirits sent forth by my Father in heaven to serve me in all my necessities, lest I strike my foot against a stone. In order that this faith should not remain untested, my Father comes along and allows me to be thrown into prison or to be drowned in water. Then it will finally become apparent how well we understand these words. Our faith wavers. Our weakness gives rise to the question, ’Who knows if it is true?’ So this one word ‘your’ or ‘our’ is the most difficult of all in the whole Scripture. It’s like the word ‘your’ in the first commandment, ‘I am the Lord your God’ [Exod. 20:2].”

Stephen Nichols told us today that when Luther said this, his daughter Lena (who broke Luther's heart when she died as a child) was only two years old.

NEXT UP: Bicycle Tour in Berlin

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Will: We are so much enjoying this teaching tour--
    that is, you teaching us from afar :). Thank you for the
    great pictures and the Quotes. We feel like we are there.
    We are all praying for you and your Dad--and loving your
