Friday, August 25, 2017

August 15: Wittenberg

Today was hot. Wow! Our tour guide has lived in Wittenberg for most of his life, including when he was a boy in World War II. Wittenberg was where American and Russian forces met as Germany collapsed. So our tour guide remembers interacting with both American and Russian soldiers as a boy. He remembers that both were kind to him, but only the Americans gave him candy!

The tour guide said that people are coming to Wittenberg for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation from three places: America, Scandinavia, and South Korea. 

Lighting up a model of Wittenberg. 

A money chest that was used to collect payment for the sale of indulgences. 

"They preach only human doctrines who say that as soon as the money clinks into the money chest, the soul springs out of purgatory."

-Thesis 27 from Luther's 95 Theses


Luther's wife, Katerina von Bora

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