Friday, August 25, 2017

August 16: Eisleben Continued

Here's Saint Andrew's church at the top of the hill where Luther preached his last sermon before he died.

And inside, the pulpit from which he preached his last sermon.

Eisleben has what I am told is the best Luther statue in Germany. And that's saying a lot, because there are so many Luther statues in Germany. This statue portrays him in the act of burning Pope Leo X's Bull of Excommunication. 

"Because you have destroyed God's truth, may God destroy you in these flames!"

The hotel where we are staying now is not in Eisleben but in Weimar. Weimar has a lot of history which includes that it was a hub of activities for the Nazis. Hitler used slave labor from the nearby death camp Buchenwald for his various building projects here. Hitler's favorite hotel where he always stayed when he was in Weimar was called Hotel Elephant. My dad and I set out to find it this evening. 

Hitler's hotel room is the bottom window. 

Imagine our surprise when we went around to the balcony of the hotel from which Hitler spoke to adoring crowds and  found this. 

Yes, that is Martin Luther. It's all a little eerie really, but I will say this for Hotel Elephant. Hotel Elephant has been here since I think 1697.  The hotel has seen a lot since then, and so Hitler is by no means the only famous guest who has stayed there. 

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