Friday, August 25, 2017

August 16: Eisleben Continued Again


The Germans are trying to celebrate Martin Luther this year for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. But it is awkward because Luther is a stranger to them. They want to celebrate Luther, or at least host a celebration for Luther, but they don't know what to make of him or what to do with him. The usual silliness was in full force in the museum at the house where Luther died. With various exhibits they tried to deal with the subject of mortality with an odd mix of humor and seriousness. It came out all wrong.

One of the last exhibits at "the death museum" in the house where Luther died caught my attention in a good way. It was five original copies of pamphlets Luther wrote about death displayed behind glass. with brief  explanations. What a contrast with the silliness of the museum's exhibits! Let me list just the titles of these five pamphlets:

1. A Sermon on Preparing to Die
2. Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague (in which Luther ponders the question of whether it's ok for a pastor to leave the city when the plague comes through. Answer: No)
3. The 90th Psalm
4. How a Christian Should Prepare Himself to Die with Joy
5. Comfort for Women Who Have Had a Miscarriage

My quote comes from the third pamphlet: "The 90th Psalm":

The voice of the Law terrifies because it dins into the ears of smug sinners the theme: “In the midst of earthly life, snares of death surround us.” But the voice of the Gospel cheers the terrified sinner with its song: “In the midst of certain death, life in Christ is ours.”

NEXT UP: Erfurt

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking us on the tour with you. Looking forward to more sharing as you return. Bette Bosch
