Friday, August 25, 2017

August 9: Geneva Free Day

The people of Geneva are very strong.

I am still amazed at the great cathedral where John Calvin preached throughout his ministry in Geneva.



The plaque below was mounted to the wall inside the church by the Reformers to commemorate the Reformation in Geneva for future generations. 

The plaque reads as follows:

The tyranny of the Roman antichrist having been slain, and its superstitions abolished in the year 1535, the very holy religion of Christ having been established in its truth and purity, and the church put back into good order by the favor of God, the enemies having been pushed back and made to flee, and the city herself by a great miracle having been given back its liberty, the senate and people of Geneva have erected this monument in this place as a perpetual memorial to attest to all future generations their gratefulness toward God. 

The plaque is written in Latin, which very people today can read. I can't. So you might think that the church would put something up to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation for visiting guests. They did. The only thing the church put up to mark the event is a series of cartoons mocking Protestants. Yes, you read that right. Here are a few of them:

Here's the Protestant informing his family that he disagrees with the pastor's sermon.  

I have to admit I did have a little laugh over the next one. I've been having headaches recently, which the new specs seem to have solved and I'm thankful to the Lord for that. 

And of course:

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