Friday, August 25, 2017

August 14: Ligonier Land of Luther Study Tour Begins

For the first day of the study tour we mainly just wait for everyone to arrive.

So Dad and I hit the road again in Berlin, seeking a royal residence.

We (eventually) found the one we were looking for, called the Charlottenberg Palace. 

The equestrian statue in the front yard depicts Frederick Wilhelm the Great Elector of Prussia (1620-1688). The home was built for his family either during his lifetime or else one generation later. Frederick Wilhelm was a true friend to Protestants. After King Louis XIV of France launched his terrible persecution of the Huguenots, Frederick Wilhelm issued the Edict of Potsdam in 1685 which encouraged French Protestants to come settle in Brandenburg. The influx of French Protestants helped boost the population of Berlin which had been greatly depleted by the devastations of the Thirty Years War fought between Protestants and Catholics all over Europe but especially in Germany. 

Frederick Wilhelm's edict reads in part: "We have resolved to take compassion on these devoted French followers of the faith and to offer them a safe haven of refuge in all our lands and provinces." On this occasion Elector Frederick Wilhelm said to his general, "Rather than leave these poor people without assistance, my silver china shall be sold!"

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